Integrating CodeCharta into a Gitlab CI on Windows for .net projects
- Gitlab CI Pipeline which uses a yaml configuration file to run the builds on a windows agent
- A running Sonarqube server
- Powershell or similiar
Base Configuration
Download “SonarScanner for MSBuild” on the build agent.
- Create three new hidden variables in your Gitlab CI configuration:
- SONAR_USER: The sonar user for your builds
- SONAR_PW: Its password
- SONAR_TOKEN: Its Sonarqube API token
- Optional: Import the certificate into your build agent’s JVM:
- Get the certificate by using openssl.
- Use the Java keytool to import the certificate e.g.
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Java\jre1.8.0_40\bin\keytool -importcert -file sonar-cert.cer -alias sonar -keystore C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Java\jre1.8.0_40\lib\security\cacerts
- Create a new powershell script similiar to the following in order to run the analysis:
$SQ_RUNNER = "C:\Sonar\sonar-scanner-msbuild\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe"
$BUILD_DIRECTORY = "..\..\Build"
$LIBS_DIRECTORY = "..\..\Libs"
$BUILD_MODE = "Debug"
$SOLUTION = "Source\MySolution.sln"
# Begin Sonar
& $SQ_RUNNER "begin" "/k:MyProjectKey" "/n:MySolution" "/v:$Env:CI_BUILD_ID" "/d:sonar.login=$env:SONAR_USER" "/d:sonar.password=$env:SONAR_PW" "/"
# Build your solution
& $NUGET restore $SOLUTION -NonInteractive
& $MSBUILD "$SOLUTION" "/nodereuse:false" "/v:m" "/m" "/tv:15.0" "/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true" "/clp:ErrorsOnly" "/p:Configuration=$BUILD_MODE" "/p:Platform=$BUILD_PLATFORM" "/p:OutDir=$BUILD_DIRECTORY" "/p:ReferencePath=$LIBS_DIRECTORY"
# you can also test your solution and do other things here. Sonar will try to integrate the results. For coverage usually you need to use opencover and reference the result in the begin step
# End Sonar
& $SQ_RUNNER "end" "/d:sonar.login=$env:SONAR_USER" "/d:sonar.password=$env:SONAR_PW"
- Create a script similiar to the following in order to run CC analysis:
$CCSH = ".\node_modules\codecharta-analysis\public\bin\ccsh.bat"
npm install codecharta-analysis --silent
& "$CCSH" "sonarimport" "" "MyProjectKey" "-u" "$Env:SONAR_TOKEN" "-o" "$ROOT_DIRECTORY\sonar_$"
- Add your scripts to your yml pipeline definition
stage: quality
- master
- powershell -File Scripts\run-sonarQube.ps1
- powershell -File Scripts\run-analysisCodecharta.ps1
- ./*.cc.json
expire_in: 2 week