All files / app/codeCharta/services/3DExports/3DPreview/CreateGeometryStrategies createBaseplateGeometryStrategy.ts

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import { CreateGeometryStrategy } from "./createGeometryStrategy"
import { BufferGeometry, ExtrudeGeometry, Shape } from "three"
import { GeometryOptions } from "../preview3DPrintMesh"
export class CreateBaseplateGeometryStrategy implements CreateGeometryStrategy {
    async create(geometryOptions: GeometryOptions): Promise<BufferGeometry> {
        const { width, secondRowVisible, mapSideOffset, baseplateHeight, frontTextSize, secondRowTextSize } = geometryOptions
        let edgeRadius = 5 // Adjust this value to change the roundness of the corners
        const maxRoundRadius = Math.sqrt(2 * Math.pow(mapSideOffset, 2)) / (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) - 1
        if (maxRoundRadius < edgeRadius) {
            edgeRadius = maxRoundRadius
        // Create the shape
        const shape = new Shape()
        const additionalSecondRowDepth = secondRowVisible ? secondRowTextSize * 1.5 : 0
        const depth = width + frontTextSize + additionalSecondRowDepth
        shape.absarc(width - edgeRadius, edgeRadius, edgeRadius, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI * 2, false)
        shape.absarc(width - edgeRadius, depth - edgeRadius, edgeRadius, 0, Math.PI * 0.5, false)
        shape.absarc(edgeRadius, depth - edgeRadius, edgeRadius, Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI, false)
        shape.absarc(edgeRadius, edgeRadius, edgeRadius, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5, false)
        // Create the geometry
        const geometry = new ExtrudeGeometry(shape, { depth: baseplateHeight, bevelEnabled: false })
        geometry.translate(-width / 2, -width / 2 - frontTextSize - additionalSecondRowDepth, -baseplateHeight)
        return geometry