Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
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"outgoingEdge" : "incomingEdge"]) this.highlightBuilding(buildingIsOriginNode ? arrowTargetNode : arrowOriginNode) this.setCurveColor(curve, color) } } addEdgePreview() { const edges = edgeVisibilitySelector(this.state.getValue()) for (const edge of edges) { const originNode = const targetNode = Iif (originNode && targetNode && edge.visible !== EdgeVisibility.none && edge.visible) { //TODO It seems originNode or targetNode might be undefined here, // I think it results from the method being called multiple times when it might not be available yet // I changed that back to avoid console errors and re-enable the edge-metric, however we should investigate why this is happening const curveScale = 100 * this.state.getValue().appSettings.edgeHeight const curve = this.createCurve(originNode, targetNode, curveScale) this.previewMode(curve, edge.visible) } } } addEdgeMapBasedOnNodes(nodes: Node[]) { = this.getNodesAsMap(nodes) } scale() { const { scaling } = this.state.getValue().appSettings for (const arrow of this.arrows) { arrow.scale.x = scaling.x arrow.scale.y = scaling.y arrow.scale.z = scaling.z } } private isEdgeApplicableForBuilding(codeMapBuilding: CodeMapBuilding) { return this.state.getValue().appSettings.isEdgeMetricVisible && codeMapBuilding && !codeMapBuilding.node.flat } private showEdgesOfBuildings(hoveredbuilding?: CodeMapBuilding) { const buildings: Map<string, Node> = new Map() const selectedBuilding = this.threeSceneService.getSelectedBuilding() if (selectedBuilding) { const { node } = selectedBuilding buildings.set(node.path, node) } if (hoveredbuilding) { const { node } = hoveredbuilding buildings.set(node.path, node) } if (buildings.size > 0) { this.buildPairingEdges(buildings) } else { this.addEdgePreview() } } private buildPairingEdges(node: Map<string, Node>) { const { edges } = this.state.getValue().fileSettings for (const edge of edges) { const originNode = // TODO: Maps should only have valid edges. If that's not the case, the // internal decoration is likely faulty. Check if only test data is not // correct or what the root cause of these checks actually is. if (originNode === undefined) { continue } const targetNode = Iif (targetNode === undefined) { continue } if (node.has(originNode.path)) { this.addArrow(targetNode, originNode, true) this.threeSceneService.highlightBuildings() // TODO: Check if the second if case is actually necessary. Edges should // always have valid origin and target paths. The test data is likely // faulty and should be improved. } else Iif (node.has(targetNode.path)) { this.addArrow(targetNode, originNode, false) this.threeSceneService.highlightBuildings() } } } private createCurve(arrowOriginNode: Node, arrowTargetNode: Node, curveScale) { const bezierPoint2 = arrowOriginNode.outgoingEdgePoint.clone() const bezierPoint3 = arrowTargetNode.incomingEdgePoint.clone() const arrowHeight = Math.max(bezierPoint2.y + arrowTargetNode.height, bezierPoint3.y + 1) + curveScale bezierPoint2.setY(arrowHeight) bezierPoint3.setY(arrowHeight) return new CubicBezierCurve3(arrowOriginNode.outgoingEdgePoint, bezierPoint2, bezierPoint3, arrowTargetNode.incomingEdgePoint) } private highlightBuilding(node: Node) { const building = this.threeSceneService.getMapMesh().getMeshDescription().getBuildingByPath(node.path) this.threeSceneService.addBuildingToHighlightingList(building) } private setCurveColor(bezier: CubicBezierCurve3, color: number, bezierPoints = 50) { const points = bezier.getPoints(bezierPoints) const curveObject = this.buildLine(points, color) curveObject.add(this.buildArrow(points)) this.threeSceneService.edgeArrows.add(curveObject) this.arrows.push(curveObject) } private previewMode(curve, edgeVisibility: EdgeVisibility) { Iif (edgeVisibility === EdgeVisibility.both || edgeVisibility === EdgeVisibility.from) { const outgoingArrow: Object3D = this.makeArrowFromBezier(curve, false) this.threeSceneService.edgeArrows.add(outgoingArrow) this.arrows.push(outgoingArrow) } Iif (edgeVisibility === EdgeVisibility.both || edgeVisibility === { const incomingArrow: Object3D = this.makeArrowFromBezier(curve, true) this.threeSceneService.edgeArrows.add(incomingArrow) this.arrows.push(incomingArrow) } } private getNodesAsMap(nodes: Node[]) { const map: Map<string, Node> = new Map() for (const node of nodes) { map.set(node.path, node) } return map } private makeArrowFromBezier(bezier: CubicBezierCurve3, incoming: boolean, bezierPoints = 50) { const points = bezier.getPoints(bezierPoints) const { incomingEdge, outgoingEdge } = this.state.getValue().appSettings.mapColors const arrowColor = incoming ? incomingEdge : outgoingEdge const pointsPreviews = incoming ? points.slice(bezierPoints + 1 - this.VERTICES_PER_LINE) : points.slice(0, points.length - (bezierPoints + 1 - this.VERTICES_PER_LINE)) return this.buildEdge(pointsPreviews, ColorConverter.getNumber(arrowColor)) } private buildEdge(points: Vector3[], color: number): Object3D { const curveObject = this.buildLine(points, color) curveObject.add(this.buildArrow(points)) return curveObject } private buildLine(points: Vector3[], color = 0) { const geometry = new BufferGeometry() geometry.setFromPoints(points) const material = new LineBasicMaterial({ color, linewidth: 1 }) return new Line(geometry, material) } private buildArrow(points: Vector3[], ARROW_COLOR = 0, headLength = 10, headWidth = 10) { const direction = const origin = if (direction.y < 0) { origin.y += headLength + 1 } return new ArrowHelper(direction, origin, headLength + 1, ARROW_COLOR, headLength, headWidth) } } |