All files / app/codeCharta/ui/codeMap/threeViewer/floorLabels floorLabelDrawer.ts

97.77% Statements 88/90
83.33% Branches 10/12
100% Functions 10/10
97.77% Lines 88/90

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"use strict"
import { Node } from "../../../../codeCharta.model"
import { CanvasTexture, BackSide, Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial, PlaneGeometry, RepeatWrapping, Vector3 } from "three"
import { FloorLabelHelper } from "./floorLabelHelper"
export class FloorLabelDrawer {
    private floorLabelPlanes: Mesh[] = []
    private readonly rootNode: Node
    private readonly mapSize: number
    private readonly scaling: Vector3
    readonly folderGeometryHeight: number = 2.01
    private lastScaling: Vector3 = new Vector3(1, 1, 1)
    private floorLabelPlaneLevel: Map<Mesh, number> = new Map<Mesh, number>()
    private floorLabelsPerLevel = new Map()
    constructor(nodes: Node[], rootNode: Node, mapSize: number, scaling: Vector3, experimentalFeaturesEnabled: boolean) {
        this.rootNode = rootNode
        this.mapSize = mapSize
        this.scaling = scaling
        this.folderGeometryHeight = experimentalFeaturesEnabled
            ? Math.ceil(2 / FloorLabelHelper.getMapResolutionScaling(rootNode.width)) * 2
            : 2.01
    private collectLabelsPerLevel(nodes: Node[]) {
        for (const node of nodes) {
            if (FloorLabelHelper.isLabelNode(node)) {
                if (!this.floorLabelsPerLevel.has(node.mapNodeDepth)) {
                    this.floorLabelsPerLevel.set(node.mapNodeDepth, [])
    draw() {
        const { width: rootNodeWidth, length: rootNodeHeight } = this.rootNode
        const mapResolutionScaling = FloorLabelHelper.getMapResolutionScaling(rootNodeWidth)
        const scaledMapWidth = rootNodeWidth * mapResolutionScaling
        const scaledMapHeight = rootNodeHeight * mapResolutionScaling
        for (const [floorLevel, floorNodesPerLevel] of this.floorLabelsPerLevel) {
            const { textCanvas, context } = FloorLabelDrawer.createLabelPlaneCanvas(scaledMapWidth, scaledMapHeight)
            this.writeLabelsOnCanvas(context, floorNodesPerLevel, mapResolutionScaling)
            this.drawLevelPlaneGeometry(textCanvas, scaledMapWidth, scaledMapHeight, floorLevel, mapResolutionScaling)
        return this.floorLabelPlanes
    translatePlaneCanvases(scale: Vector3) {
        const defaultFolderHeight = 2
        for (const plane of this.floorLabelPlanes) {
            const level = this.floorLabelPlaneLevel.get(plane) + 1
            const difference = level * this.lastScaling.y - level * scale.y
            plane.geometry.translate(0, 0, defaultFolderHeight * difference)
        this.lastScaling = scale
    private static createLabelPlaneCanvas(scaledMapWidth: number, scaledMapHeight: number) {
        const textCanvas = document.createElement("canvas")
        // Flip map width and height to support non squarified maps (e.g. if a rectangular subfolder is focused)
        let textCanvasWidth = scaledMapWidth
        let textCanvasHeight = scaledMapHeight
        Iif (scaledMapWidth > scaledMapHeight) {
            textCanvasWidth = scaledMapHeight
            textCanvasHeight = scaledMapWidth
        textCanvas.width = textCanvasWidth
        textCanvas.height = textCanvasHeight
        const context = textCanvas.getContext("2d")
        context.fillStyle = "white"
        context.textAlign = "center"
        context.textBaseline = "middle"
        return { textCanvas, context }
    private writeLabelsOnCanvas(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, floorNodesOfCurrentLevel: Node[], mapResolutionScaling: number) {
        const { width: rootNodeWidth, length: rootNodeHeight } = this.rootNode
        for (const floorNode of floorNodesOfCurrentLevel) {
            let fontSize =
                floorNode.depth === 0 ? Math.max(Math.floor(rootNodeWidth * 0.03), 120) : Math.max(Math.floor(rootNodeWidth * 0.023), 95)
            fontSize = fontSize * mapResolutionScaling
            context.font = `${fontSize}px Arial`
            const textToFill = FloorLabelDrawer.getLabelAndSetContextFont(floorNode, context, mapResolutionScaling, fontSize)
                (rootNodeHeight - floorNode.y0 - floorNode.length / 2) * mapResolutionScaling,
                (floorNode.x0 + floorNode.width) * mapResolutionScaling - textToFill.fontSize / 2
    private drawLevelPlaneGeometry(textCanvas, scaledMapWidth, scaledMapHeight, floorLevel, mapResolutionScaling) {
        const labelTexture = new CanvasTexture(textCanvas)
        labelTexture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping
        labelTexture.wrapT = RepeatWrapping
        labelTexture.repeat.x = -1
        labelTexture.needsUpdate = true
        labelTexture.rotation = (90 * Math.PI) / 180
        const plane = new PlaneGeometry(scaledMapWidth, scaledMapHeight)
        const material = new MeshBasicMaterial({
            side: BackSide,
            map: labelTexture,
            transparent: true
        const planeMesh = new Mesh(plane, material)
        // Rotate plane to be horizontally
        planeMesh.rotateX((90 * Math.PI) / 180)
        // Position plane over the map
        const liftToPreventZFighting = 2
            scaledMapWidth / 2,
            scaledMapHeight / 2,
            -this.folderGeometryHeight * this.scaling.y * (floorLevel + 1) - liftToPreventZFighting
        // Move and scale plane mesh exactly like the squarified map
        planeMesh.scale.set(this.scaling.x / mapResolutionScaling, this.scaling.z / mapResolutionScaling, 1)
        planeMesh.position.set(-this.mapSize * this.scaling.x, 0, -this.mapSize * this.scaling.z)
        this.floorLabelPlaneLevel.set(planeMesh, floorLevel)
    private static getLabelAndSetContextFont(
        labelNode: Node,
        context: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
        mapResolutionScaling: number,
        fontSize: number
    ) {
        const labelText =
        const floorWidth = labelNode.length * mapResolutionScaling
        context.font = `${fontSize}px Arial`
        const textMetrics = context.measureText(labelText)
        const fontScaleFactor = FloorLabelDrawer.getFontScaleFactor(floorWidth, textMetrics.width)
        if (fontScaleFactor <= 0.5) {
            // Font will be to small.
            // So scale text not smaller than 0.5 and shorten it as well
            fontSize = fontSize * 0.5
            fontSize = Math.floor(Math.min(fontSize, labelNode.width * mapResolutionScaling))
            context.font = `${fontSize}px Arial`
            return {
                labelText: FloorLabelDrawer.getFittingLabelText(context, floorWidth, labelText),
        fontSize = Math.floor(Math.min(fontSize * fontScaleFactor, labelNode.width * mapResolutionScaling))
        context.font = `${fontSize}px Arial`
        return { labelText, fontSize }
    private static getFontScaleFactor(canvasWidth: number, widthOfText: number) {
        return widthOfText < canvasWidth ? 1 : canvasWidth / widthOfText
    private static getFittingLabelText(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, canvasWidth: number, labelText: string) {
        const { width } = context.measureText(labelText)
        let textSplitIndex = Math.floor((labelText.length * canvasWidth) / width)
        let abbreviatedText = `${labelText.slice(0, textSplitIndex)}…`
        // TODO: Check if this is expensive. If it is, let's use a logarithmic algorithm instead.
        // This is needed for non monospaced fonts, imagine the following example in a non monospaced font: "WWWIII"
        while (context.measureText(abbreviatedText).width >= canvasWidth && textSplitIndex > 1) {
            // textSplitIndex > 1 to ensure it contains at least one char
            textSplitIndex -= 1
            abbreviatedText = `${labelText.slice(0, textSplitIndex)}…`
        return abbreviatedText