Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
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import { ThreeCameraService } from "./threeCamera.service" import { Injectable } from "@angular/core" import { Box3, Mesh, MeshNormalMaterial, PerspectiveCamera, Vector3, Sphere, BoxGeometry, MOUSE } from "three" import { ThreeSceneService } from "./threeSceneService" import { MapControls } from "three/examples/jsm/controls/MapControls" import { ThreeRendererService } from "./threeRenderer.service" import { EventEmitter } from "../../../util/EventEmitter" import { BehaviorSubject } from "rxjs" type CameraChangeEvents = { onCameraChanged: (data: { camera: PerspectiveCamera }) => void } @Injectable({ providedIn: "root" }) export class ThreeMapControlsService { static CAMERA_CHANGED_EVENT_NAME = "camera-changed" MAX_ZOOM = 200 MIN_ZOOM = 10 controls: MapControls private eventEmitter = new EventEmitter<CameraChangeEvents>() zoomPercentage$ = new BehaviorSubject<number>(100) constructor( private threeCameraService: ThreeCameraService, private threeSceneService: ThreeSceneService, private threeRendererService: ThreeRendererService ) {} setControlTarget(cameraTarget: Vector3) {, cameraTarget.y, cameraTarget.z) } rotateCameraInVectorDirection(x: number, y: number, z: number) { const zoom = this.getZoom() this.lookAtDirectionFromTarget(x, y, z) this.applyOldZoom(zoom) this.threeRendererService.render() this.onInput( } autoFitTo() { setTimeout(() => { const boundingSphere = this.getBoundingSphere() if (boundingSphere.radius === -1) { return } const length = this.cameraPerspectiveLengthCalculation(boundingSphere) const cameraReference = cameraReference.position.set(length, length, this.controls.update() this.focusCameraViewToCenter(boundingSphere) this.threeRendererService.render() this.onInput( const scale = 1.3 // object size / display size this.controls.maxDistance = length * 4 this.controls.minDistance = boundingSphere.radius / (10 * scale) this.setZoomPercentage(140) }) } private cameraPerspectiveLengthCalculation(boundingSphere: Sphere) { const cameraReference = //TODO: Scale Factor for object to camera ratio const scale = 1.3 // object size / display size const objectAngularSize = ((cameraReference.fov * Math.PI) / 180) * scale const distanceToCamera = boundingSphere.radius / Math.tan(objectAngularSize / 2) return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distanceToCamera, 2) + Math.pow(distanceToCamera, 2)) } private focusCameraViewToCenter(boundingSphere: Sphere) { const boundingSphereCenter: Vector3 = boundingSphereCenter.setY(0), boundingSphereCenter.y, boundingSphereCenter.z) } getBoundingSphere() { return new Box3().setFromObject(this.threeSceneService.mapGeometry).getBoundingSphere(new Sphere()) } private lookAtDirectionFromTarget(x: number, y: number, z: number) {,, const alignmentCube = new Mesh(new BoxGeometry(20, 20, 20), new MeshNormalMaterial()) this.threeSceneService.scene.add(alignmentCube) alignmentCube.position.set(,, alignmentCube.translateX(x) alignmentCube.translateY(y) alignmentCube.translateZ(z) this.threeSceneService.scene.remove(alignmentCube) } private getZoom() { return } private applyOldZoom(oldZoom: number) { } init(domElement: HTMLCanvasElement) { this.controls = new MapControls(, domElement) this.controls.mouseButtons = { LEFT: MOUSE.ROTATE, MIDDLE: MOUSE.DOLLY, RIGHT: MOUSE.PAN } this.controls.zoomToCursor = true const updateZoomToCursor = (event: KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent) => { this.controls.zoomToCursor = !event.altKey } window.addEventListener("keydown", updateZoomToCursor) window.addEventListener("keyup", updateZoomToCursor) window.addEventListener("mousemove", updateZoomToCursor) this.controls.minPolarAngle = 0 this.controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI / 2 this.controls.listenToKeyEvents(window) this.controls.addEventListener("change", () => { this.onInput( this.updateZoomPercentage() this.threeRendererService.render() }) this.updateZoomPercentage() } onInput(camera: PerspectiveCamera) { this.setControlTarget( this.eventEmitter.emit("onCameraChanged", { camera }) } subscribe<Key extends keyof CameraChangeEvents>(key: Key, callback: CameraChangeEvents[Key]) { this.eventEmitter.on(key, data => { callback(data) }) } getZoomPercentage(distance: number): number { const min = this.controls.minDistance const max = this.controls.maxDistance if (distance <= min) { return this.MAX_ZOOM } if (distance >= max) { return this.MIN_ZOOM } const range = max - min return this.MAX_ZOOM - ((distance - min) / range) * (this.MAX_ZOOM - this.MIN_ZOOM) } getDistanceFromZoomPercentage(percentage: number): number { const min = this.controls.minDistance const max = this.controls.maxDistance const range = max - min return min + ((this.MAX_ZOOM - percentage) / (this.MAX_ZOOM - this.MIN_ZOOM)) * range } updateZoomPercentage() { const distance = const zoomFactor = this.getZoomPercentage(distance) this.zoomPercentage$.next(zoomFactor) } setZoomPercentage(zoom: number) { const newDistance = this.getDistanceFromZoomPercentage(zoom) const direction = new Vector3().subVectors(, this.controls.update() this.zoomPercentage$.next(zoom) } } |