All files / app/codeCharta/ui/ribbonBar/showScenariosButton scenario.service.ts

95.38% Statements 62/65
80% Branches 12/15
85.71% Functions 6/7
95.31% Lines 61/64

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { Injectable } from "@angular/core"
import { MatDialog } from "@angular/material/dialog"
import { State, Store } from "@ngrx/store"
import { first } from "rxjs"
import { CcState } from "../../../codeCharta.model"
import { getNumberOfTopLabels } from "../../../state/effects/updateVisibleTopLabels/getNumberOfTopLabels"
import { codeMapNodesSelector } from "../../../state/selectors/accumulatedData/codeMapNodes.selector"
import { metricDataSelector } from "../../../state/selectors/accumulatedData/metricData/metricData.selector"
import { selectedColorMetricDataSelector } from "../../../state/selectors/accumulatedData/metricData/selectedColorMetricData.selector"
import { setAmountOfEdgePreviews } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/amountOfEdgePreviews/amountOfEdgePreviews.actions"
import { defaultAmountOfEdgesPreviews } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/amountOfEdgePreviews/amountOfEdgePreviews.reducer"
import { setAmountOfTopLabels } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/amountOfTopLabels/amountOfTopLabels.actions"
import { setEdgeHeight } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/edgeHeight/edgeHeight.actions"
import { defaultEdgeHeight } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/edgeHeight/edgeHeight.reducer"
import { setMapColors } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/mapColors/mapColors.actions"
import { defaultMapColors } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/mapColors/mapColors.reducer"
import { setScaling } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/scaling/scaling.actions"
import { defaultScaling } from "../../../state/store/appSettings/scaling/scaling.reducer"
import { calculateInitialColorRange } from "../../../state/store/dynamicSettings/colorRange/calculateInitialColorRange"
import { setColorRange } from "../../../state/store/dynamicSettings/colorRange/colorRange.actions"
import { setEdgeMetric } from "../../../state/store/dynamicSettings/edgeMetric/edgeMetric.actions"
import { setMargin } from "../../../state/store/dynamicSettings/margin/margin.actions"
import { defaultMargin } from "../../../state/store/dynamicSettings/margin/margin.reducer"
import { setState } from "../../../state/store/state.actions"
import { ThreeCameraService } from "../../codeMap/threeViewer/threeCamera.service"
import { ThreeMapControlsService } from "../../codeMap/threeViewer/threeMapControls.service"
import { ErrorDialogComponent } from "../../dialogs/errorDialog/errorDialog.component"
import { ScenarioHelper } from "./scenarioHelper"
@Injectable({ providedIn: "root" })
export class ScenarioService {
        private state: State<CcState>,
        private store: Store<CcState>,
        private dialog: MatDialog,
        private threeCameraService: ThreeCameraService,
        private threeOrbitControlsService: ThreeMapControlsService
    ) {}
    getScenarios() {
        return ScenarioHelper.getScenarioItems(metricDataSelector(this.state.getValue()))
    applyScenario(name: string) {
        const scenario = ScenarioHelper.scenarios.get(name)
        const scenarioSettings = ScenarioHelper.getScenarioSettings(scenario){ value: scenarioSettings }))
        if (!scenarioSettings.appSettings.amountOfTopLabels) {
                .subscribe(codeMapNodes => {
                    const amountOfTopLabels = getNumberOfTopLabels(codeMapNodes)
          { value: amountOfTopLabels }))
        if (!scenarioSettings.appSettings.mapColors) {
  { value: defaultMapColors }))
        Iif (!scenarioSettings.appSettings.edgeHeight) {
  { value: defaultEdgeHeight }))
        if (!scenarioSettings.appSettings.amountOfEdgePreviews) {
  { value: defaultAmountOfEdgesPreviews }))
        if (!scenarioSettings.appSettings.scaling) {
  { value: defaultScaling }))
        if (!scenarioSettings.dynamicSettings.colorRange) {
                .subscribe(selectedColorMetricData => {
          { value: calculateInitialColorRange(selectedColorMetricData) }))
        Iif (!scenarioSettings.dynamicSettings.margin) {
  { value: defaultMargin }))
        if (!scenarioSettings.dynamicSettings.edgeMetric) {
                .subscribe(metricData => {
          { value: metricData.edgeMetricData[0]?.name }))
        if ( {
            // @ts-ignore -- we know that it is not a partial when it is set
            // @ts-ignore -- we know that it is not a partial when it is set
    removeScenario(name) {
        if (name !== "Complexity") {
  , {
                data: {
                    title: "Info",
                    message: `${name} deleted.`
        } else {
  , {
                data: {
                    title: "Error",
                    message: `${name} cannot be deleted as it is the default Scenario.`