All files / app/codeCharta/ui/screenshotButton screenshotButton.component.ts

97% Statements 97/100
56.52% Branches 13/23
80% Functions 12/15
96.87% Lines 93/96

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import { Component } from "@angular/core"
import { State, Store } from "@ngrx/store"
import hotkeys from "hotkeys-js"
import html2canvas from "html2canvas"
import { Color, WebGLRenderer } from "three"
import { checkWriteToClipboardAllowed, setToClipboard } from "../../../../app/codeCharta/util/clipboard/clipboardWriter"
import { CcState } from "../../codeCharta.model"
import { screenshotToClipboardEnabledSelector } from "../../state/store/appSettings/enableClipboard/screenshotToClipboardEnabled.selector"
import { ThreeCameraService } from "../codeMap/threeViewer/threeCamera.service"
import { ThreeRendererService } from "../codeMap/threeViewer/threeRenderer.service"
import { ThreeSceneService } from "../codeMap/threeViewer/threeSceneService"
import { createPNGFileName } from "../../model/files/files.helper"
import { FileState } from "../../model/files/files"
import { ActionIconComponent } from "../actionIcon/actionIcon.component"
import { AsyncPipe } from "@angular/common"
    selector: "cc-screenshot-button",
    templateUrl: "./screenshotButton.component.html",
    standalone: true,
    imports: [ActionIconComponent, AsyncPipe]
export class ScreenshotButtonComponent {
    isWriteToClipboardAllowed: boolean
    isScreenshotToClipboardEnabled$ =
        private threeCameraService: ThreeCameraService,
        private threeSceneService: ThreeSceneService,
        private threeRendererService: ThreeRendererService,
        private store: Store<CcState>,
        private state: State<CcState>
    ) {}
    ngOnInit() {
        this.isWriteToClipboardAllowed = checkWriteToClipboardAllowed()
        this.TITLE_CLIPBOARD_BUTTON = this.createTitleClipboardButton()
        this.TITLE_FILE_BUTTON = this.createTitleFileButton()
        hotkeys(this.SCREENSHOT_HOTKEY_TO_FILE, () => {
        hotkeys(this.SCREENSHOT_HOTKEY_TO_CLIPBOARD, () => {
    async makeScreenshotToFile() {
        const renderer = this.threeRendererService.renderer
        const renderSettings = this.saveRenderSettings(renderer)
        const canvas = await this.buildScreenShotCanvas(renderer)
        this.downloadScreenshot(canvas, this.state.getValue().files)
        this.applyRenderSettings(renderer, renderSettings)
    async makeScreenshotToClipboard() {
        if (!this.isWriteToClipboardAllowed) {
        const renderer = this.threeRendererService.renderer
        const renderSettings = this.saveRenderSettings(renderer)
        const canvas = await this.buildScreenShotCanvas(renderer)
        const canvasToBlobPromise: Promise<Blob> = new Promise(resolve => canvas.toBlob(resolve))
        this.applyRenderSettings(renderer, renderSettings)
        const blob = await canvasToBlobPromise
        await setToClipboard(blob)
    private downloadScreenshot(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, files: FileState[]) {
        const dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL("image/png")
        const downloadLink = document.createElement("a") = createPNGFileName(files, "map")
        downloadLink.href = dataUrl
    private saveRenderSettings(renderer: WebGLRenderer) {
        const pixelRatio = renderer.getPixelRatio()
        const clearColor = new Color()
        return { pixelRatio, clearColor }
    private applyRenderSettings(renderer: WebGLRenderer, settings: { pixelRatio: number; clearColor: Color }) {
        const { pixelRatio, clearColor } = settings
    private async buildScreenShotCanvas(renderer: WebGLRenderer): Promise<HTMLCanvasElement> {
        renderer.setClearColor(new Color(0, 0, 0), 0)
        const tagsNamesToIgnore = new Set([
        const idsToIgnore = new Set(["legend-panel-button"])
        const bodyHeight = document.querySelector("body")?.offsetHeight
        const ribbonBarHeight = (document.querySelector("cc-ribbon-bar") as HTMLElement)?.offsetHeight
        const toolBarHeight = (document.querySelector("cc-tool-bar") as HTMLElement)?.offsetHeight
        const fileExtensionBarHeight = (document.querySelector("cc-file-extension-bar") as HTMLElement)?.offsetHeight
        const offsetMenuBar = ribbonBarHeight + toolBarHeight + fileExtensionBarHeight
        const canvas = await html2canvas(document.querySelector("body"), {
            removeContainer: true,
            backgroundColor: "#00",
            scrollY: -offsetMenuBar,
            height: bodyHeight - offsetMenuBar,
            ignoreElements(element) {
                return (
                    tagsNamesToIgnore.has(element.tagName.toLowerCase()) ||
                    idsToIgnore.has( ||
                    (element as HTMLElement).style.zIndex === "10000"
        return this.getCroppedCanvas(canvas)
    private getCroppedCanvas(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
        const context = canvas.getContext("2d")
        const width = canvas.width
        const height = canvas.height
        const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height)
        const data =
        let minX = width,
            minY = height,
            maxX = 0,
            maxY = 0
        for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                const alpha = data[(width * y + x) * 4 + 3]
                if (alpha > 0) {
                    minX = Math.min(minX, x)
                    maxX = Math.max(maxX, x)
                    minY = Math.min(minY, y)
                    maxY = Math.max(maxY, y)
        const croppedCanvas = document.createElement("canvas")
        const croppedContext = croppedCanvas.getContext("2d")
        croppedCanvas.width = maxX - minX + 1
        croppedCanvas.height = maxY - minY + 1
        return croppedCanvas
    private createTitleClipboardButton() {
        return this.isWriteToClipboardAllowed
            ? `Take a screenshot of the map with ${this.SCREENSHOT_HOTKEY_TO_CLIPBOARD} (copy to clipboard) or ${this.SCREENSHOT_HOTKEY_TO_FILE} (save as file)`
            : "Firefox does not support copying to clipboard"
    private createTitleFileButton() {
        return `Take a screenshot of the map with ${this.SCREENSHOT_HOTKEY_TO_FILE} (save as file) or ${this.SCREENSHOT_HOTKEY_TO_CLIPBOARD} (copy to clipboard)`