All files / app/codeCharta/util/algorithm/treeMapLayout treeMapGenerator.ts

98.14% Statements 106/108
91.66% Branches 55/60
100% Functions 14/14
98.11% Lines 104/106

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import { hierarchy, HierarchyNode, HierarchyRectangularNode, treemap } from "d3-hierarchy"
import { TreeMapHelper, treeMapSize } from "./treeMapHelper"
import { CodeMapNode, DynamicSettings, Node, NodeMetricData, CcState } from "../../../codeCharta.model"
import { getMapResolutionScaleFactor, isLeaf } from "../../codeMapHelper"
export type SquarifiedTreeMap = { treeMap: HierarchyRectangularNode<CodeMapNode>; height: number; width: number }
export function createTreemapNodes(map: CodeMapNode, state: CcState, metricData: NodeMetricData[], isDeltaState: boolean): Node[] {
    const mapSizeResolutionScaling = getMapResolutionScaleFactor(state.files)
    const maxHeight = metricData.find(x => === state.dynamicSettings.heightMetric)?.maxValue * mapSizeResolutionScaling
    const maxWidth = metricData.find(x => === state.dynamicSettings.areaMetric)?.maxValue * mapSizeResolutionScaling
    const heightScale = (treeMapSize * 2) / maxHeight
    if (hasFixedFolders(map)) {
        const hierarchyNode = hierarchy(map)
        // Base root folder has width: 100px and length: 100px
        const nodes: Node[] = [TreeMapHelper.buildRootFolderForFixedFolders(, heightScale, state, isDeltaState)] // nosonar
        // Multiply mapSize of (default) 250px by 2 = 500px and add the total margin
        const totalMapSize =
            treeMapSize * 2 + getEstimatedNodesPerSide(hierarchyNode) * (state.dynamicSettings.margin / PADDING_SCALING_FACTOR)
        // than divide through the root folder width and length to get a scale factor for calculation for all following nodes.
        const scaleLength = totalMapSize / nodes[0].width
        const scaleWidth = totalMapSize / nodes[0].length
        // Scale the 100x100 root folder to be bigger and to match fixed/estimated totalMapSize
        scaleRoot(nodes[0], scaleLength, scaleWidth)
        return [
    const squarifiedTreeMap = getSquarifiedTreeMap(map, state, mapSizeResolutionScaling, maxWidth)
    const nodes: Node[] = []
    for (const squarifiedNode of squarifiedTreeMap.treeMap) {
        nodes.push(TreeMapHelper.buildNodeFrom(squarifiedNode, heightScale, maxHeight, state, isDeltaState))
    return nodes
function buildSquarifiedTreeMapsForFixedFolders(
    hierarchyNode: HierarchyNode<CodeMapNode>,
    state: CcState,
    scaleLength: number,
    scaleWidth: number,
    offsetX0: number,
    offsetY0: number,
    heightScale: number,
    maxHeight: number,
    maxWidth: number,
    isDeltaState: boolean,
    mapSizeResolutionScaling: number
) {
    const nodes = []
    for (const fixedFolder of hierarchyNode.children) {
        const fixedPosition =
        const squarified = getSquarifiedTreeMap(, state, mapSizeResolutionScaling, maxWidth)
        for (const squarifiedNode of squarified.treeMap.descendants()) {
            // squarified.width/height is a sum of the fixedPosition.width/height and applied margins
            // The following scaling factors are used later to calculate out the original percentage fixed width/height.
            // Example: Width and Height fixed at 20. Added margins 42px (absolute value) for each = 62px
            //  20/62 = 0.322...       62 x 0.322... = 20 :)
            const scaleX = fixedPosition.width / squarified.width
            const scaleY = fixedPosition.height / squarified.height
            // Scale the fixed (percentage) positions of a node by the right scale factor, so that it will be placed properly.
            // The squarifiedNode coordinates x0, x1, y0, y1 are already assigned with positions from the treemap algorithm.
            squarifiedNode.x0 = (squarifiedNode.x0 * scaleX + fixedPosition.left) * scaleWidth
            squarifiedNode.x1 = (squarifiedNode.x1 * scaleX + fixedPosition.left) * scaleWidth
            squarifiedNode.y0 = (squarifiedNode.y0 * scaleY + * scaleLength
            squarifiedNode.y1 = (squarifiedNode.y1 * scaleY + * scaleLength
            // Add x and y (absolute px) offsets from parent fixed folder, if any.
            squarifiedNode.x0 += offsetX0
            squarifiedNode.x1 += offsetX0
            squarifiedNode.y0 += offsetY0
            squarifiedNode.y1 += offsetY0
            const node = TreeMapHelper.buildNodeFrom(squarifiedNode, heightScale, maxHeight, state, isDeltaState)
            if (hasFixedFolders( {
                // Imagine the parent Folder has absolute px-width of 341px
                // We need to calculate a scale factor for the fixed child to transform a relative percentage fixed width/height to px.
                // Example: 20% of 341px:
                //  fixedWidth=20, parent Fixed Folder width: 341px => 20 * (scaleLength=341/100)
                // The original scaleWidth/scaleLength must be retained for the case that you have more than one fixedFolder on the same level.
                const childRelativeLengthScale = node.length / 100
                const childRelativeWidthScale = node.width / 100
                // the break is actually needed!
                // the inner for-loop loops over the (parent) fixedFolder and its descendants.
                // if a direct child is a fixedFolder as well it will be handled by the recursive function call.
                // In this case, we must break the inner loop after handling the fixedFolder child recursively
                // and therefore prevent that the fixed child will be added as a node twice.
    return nodes
function hasFixedFolders(map: CodeMapNode) {
    // What if the second child of root is the first fixed folder?
    // Assumption: all children of the root folder require the fixedPosition attribute.
    return Boolean(map.children[0]?.fixedPosition)
function scaleRoot(root: Node, scaleLength: number, scaleWidth: number) {
    root.x0 *= scaleWidth
    root.y0 *= scaleLength
    root.width *= scaleWidth
    root.length *= scaleLength
function getSquarifiedTreeMap(map: CodeMapNode, state: CcState, mapSizeResolutionScaling: number, maxWidth: number): SquarifiedTreeMap {
    const hierarchyNode = hierarchy(map)
    const nodesPerSide = getEstimatedNodesPerSide(hierarchyNode)
    const { enableFloorLabels, experimentalFeaturesEnabled } = state.appSettings
    const { margin } = state.dynamicSettings
    const padding = margin * PADDING_SCALING_FACTOR * mapSizeResolutionScaling
    let mapWidth
    let mapHeight
    if (map.fixedPosition !== undefined) {
        mapWidth = map.fixedPosition.width
        mapHeight = map.fixedPosition.height
    } else {
        mapWidth = treeMapSize * 2
        mapHeight = treeMapSize * 2
    let addedLabelSpace = 0
    hierarchyNode.eachAfter(node => {
        // Precalculate the needed paddings for the floor folder labels to be able to expand the default map size
        // TODO fix estimation, estimation of added label space is inaccurate
        if (!isLeaf(node) && enableFloorLabels) {
            if (node.depth === 0) {
                addedLabelSpace += DEFAULT_PADDING_FLOOR_LABEL_FROM_LEVEL_1
            if (node.depth > 0 && node.depth < HIERARCHY_LEVELS_WITH_LABLES_UPPER_BOUNDARY) {
                addedLabelSpace += DEFAULT_PADDING_FLOOR_LABEL_FROM_LEVEL_2
    // nodesPerSide is just an estimation.
    // We do not know the exact amount,
    // because the treemap algorithm is/must be executed with an initial width and height afterwards.
    // TODO If it is wrong some buildings might be cut off.
    // Use mapSizeResolutionScaling to scale down the pixels need for rendering of the map (width and height size)
    const width = (mapWidth + nodesPerSide * margin + addedLabelSpace) * mapSizeResolutionScaling
    const height = (mapHeight + nodesPerSide * margin + addedLabelSpace) * mapSizeResolutionScaling
    let rootNode
    const treeMap = treemap<CodeMapNode>()
        .size([width, height])
        .paddingRight(node => {
            if (!rootNode && node.parent === null) {
                rootNode = node
            // TODO This will not work for FixedFolders
            // it seems that depth property is missing in that case
            // so the default padding will be added, which is fine though.
            if (rootNode && enableFloorLabels) {
                // Start the labels at level 1 not 0 because the root folder should not be labeled
                if (node.depth === 0) {
                    // Add a big padding for the first folder level (the font is bigger than in deeper levels)
                    return Math.max(
                        (rootNode.x1 - rootNode.x0) * DEFAULT_ROOT_FLOOR_LABEL_SCALING,
                if (node.depth > 0 && node.depth < HIERARCHY_LEVELS_WITH_LABLES_UPPER_BOUNDARY) {
                    return Math.max((rootNode.x1 - rootNode.x0) * DEFAULT_SUB_FLOOR_LABEL_SCALING, DEFAULT_PADDING_FLOOR_LABEL_FROM_LEVEL_2)
            // add treemap algorithm default padding otherwise
            return padding
    return {
        treeMap: treeMap(
            hierarchyNode.sum(node => calculateAreaValue(node, state, maxWidth, experimentalFeaturesEnabled) * mapSizeResolutionScaling)
function getEstimatedNodesPerSide(hierarchyNode: HierarchyNode<CodeMapNode>) {
    let totalNodes = 0
    let blacklistedNodes = 0
    hierarchyNode.each(({ data }) => {
        Iif (data.isExcluded || data.isFlattened) {
    // What does this line do?
    // Imagine a 3x3 grid of 9 nodes
    // 3 nodes are placed on the x-axis and 3 on the y-axis = 6
    // The calculated value is probably used to calculate the total margin which extends length and width of the map.
    return 2 * Math.sqrt(totalNodes - blacklistedNodes)
function isOnlyVisibleInComparisonMap(node: CodeMapNode, dynamicSettings: DynamicSettings) {
    return node.attributes[dynamicSettings.areaMetric] === 0 && node.deltas[dynamicSettings.heightMetric] < 0
// Only exported for testing.
export function calculateAreaValue(
    node: CodeMapNode,
    { dynamicSettings, appSettings, fileSettings }: CcState,
    maxWidth: number,
    experimentalFeaturesEnabled: boolean
) {
    Iif (node.isExcluded) {
        return 0
    if (node.deltas && isOnlyVisibleInComparisonMap(node, dynamicSettings)) {
        return Math.abs(node.deltas[dynamicSettings.areaMetric])
    if (isLeaf(node) && node.attributes?.[dynamicSettings.areaMetric]) {
        const areaMetric = dynamicSettings.areaMetric
        const attributeDescriptors = fileSettings.attributeDescriptors
        const isAttributeDirectionInversed = attributeDescriptors[areaMetric]?.direction === 1
        if (isAttributeDirectionInversed) {
            return appSettings.invertArea
                ? node.attributes[dynamicSettings.areaMetric]
                : maxWidth - node.attributes[dynamicSettings.areaMetric]
        return appSettings.invertArea ? maxWidth - node.attributes[dynamicSettings.areaMetric] : node.attributes[dynamicSettings.areaMetric]
    return experimentalFeaturesEnabled ? 0.5 : 0