Category: Importer (takes in a CSV generated by Code Maat and outputs cc.json)

The Codemaatimporter generates visualisation data from CodeMaat Temporal Coupling CSV data with header. You can find the analysing tool Code Maat on GitHub. As Code Maat looks at version control data, this should work independently of the used language. Note that the metrics generated here are edge metrics.

Supported (Edge) Metrics

Metric Description
pairingRate percentage value of the chance that given files are committed together
avgCommits amount of commits in which the given files were included

Usage and Parameters

Parameter Description
FILE codemaat coupling csv files
-h, --help displays help
-o, --outputFile=<outputFile> output File (or empty for stdout)
-nc, --not-compressed safe uncompressed output file
Usage: ccsh codemaatimport [-h] [-nc] [-o=<outputFile>] FILE...


  1. Create VCS Log file from your project, e.g. with Git

    git log --pretty=format:'[%h] %an %ad %s' --since=<YYYY/MM/DD> --date=short --numstat > project.log ```
  2. Analyse the Log with CodeMaat in ‘coupling’ mode

    maat -c git -l project.log -a coupling > edges.csv
  3. Convert csv file to cc.json format with CodeMaatImporter

    ccsh codemaatimport edges.csv -o
  4. Aggregate edge-attributes and insert them into the appropriate nodes attribute-list with EdgeFilter
    ccsh edgefilter -o
  5. Merge the coupling data with the project metrics file while using the MergeFilter

    ccsh merge -o
  6. Visualizing with Visualization


Example File Content

\$ cat project.log
[a9829640] Max Mustermann 2018-06-05 Set new logo
  1    1    app/codeCharta.scss
[fc14b1e2] Max Mustermann 2018-06-05 Update cc-label position
  4    2    app/codeCharta.html
  25   15   app/codeCharta.scss
  4    2    app/testVille.html

\$ cat edges.csv
app/codeCharta.html, app/codeCharta.scss, 56, 10
app/testVille.html, app/codeCharta.html, 42, 8

\$ cat
  "projectName": "Sample Project with edges",
  "apiVersion": "1.2",
  "nodes": [
      "name": "root",
      "type": "Folder",
      "attributes": {},
      "children": []
  "edges": [
      "fromNodeName": "/root/app/codeCharta.html",
      "toNodeName": "/root/app/codeCharta.scss",
      "attributes": {
        "pairingRate": 56,
        "avgCommits": 10
      "fromNodeName": "/root/app/testVille.html",
      "toNodeName": "/root/app/codeCharta.html",
      "attributes": {
        "pairingRate": 42,
        "avgCommits": 8
  "attributeTypes": {
    "edges": [
      "pairingRate": "relative",
      "avgCommits": "absolute"

\$ cat
  "projectName": "Sample Project with edges",
  "apiVersion": "1.2",
  "nodes": [
      "name": "root",
      "type": "Folder",
      "attributes": {},
      "children": [
          "name": "app",
          "type": "Folder",
          "attributes": {},
          "children": [
              "name": "codeCharta.html",
              "type": "File",
              "attributes": {
                "pairingRate": 49,
                "avgCommits": 18
              "name": "codeCharta.scss",
              "type": "File",
              "attributes": {
                "pairingRate": 56,
                "avgCommits": 10
              "name": "testVille.html",
              "type": "File",
              "attributes": {
                "pairingRate": 42,
                "avgCommits": 8
  "edges": [
      "fromNodeName": "/root/app/codeCharta.html",
      "toNodeName": "/root/app/codeCharta.scss",
      "attributes": {
        "pairingRate": 56,
        "avgCommits": 10
      "fromNodeName": "/root/app/testVille.html",
      "toNodeName": "/root/app/codeCharta.html",
      "attributes": {
        "pairingRate": 42,
        "avgCommits": 8
  "attributeTypes": {
    "edges": [
      "pairingRate": "relative",
      "avgCommits": "absolute"
