Category: Parser (takes in svn logs and outputs cc.json)

The SVN-Log-Parser generates visualisation data from repository SVN logs. It supports the following metrics per file:

Supported Metrics

Metric Description
age_in_weeks The file’s age measured in weeks since creation.
authors The authors that have worked on the file
number_of_authors The count of distinct authors who have contributed commits.
number_of_commits The total commits made to the file.
number_of_renames How many times the file has been renamed.
range_of_weeks_with_commits The span of weeks during which commits were made.
successive_weeks_with_commits Consecutive weeks during which the file received commits.
weeks_with_commits The number of weeks in which the file was modified.
highly_coupled_files Files often modified together with this file (35% overlap or more).
median_coupled_files The median number of files modified in tandem with this file.

Additionally, the following Edge Metrics are calculated:

Metric Description
temporal_coupling The degree of temporal coupling between two files (>=35%)

The names of authors are saved when the --add-author flag is set.

Usage and Parameters

Parameter Description
FILE file to parse
--add-author add an array of authors to every file
--silent suppress command line output during process
-h, --help displays help
-o, --outputFile=<outputFile> output File (or empty for stdout)
-nc, --not-compressed safe uncompressed output file
-log, --logfile gives loghelp
Usage: ccsh svnlogparser [-h] [--add-author] [-nc] [--silent] [-o=<outputFile>]

The result is written as JSON to standard out or into an output file (if specified by -o option).

If a project is piped into the SVNLogParser, the results and the piped project are merged. The resulting project has the project name specified for the SVNLogParser.

Using SVN to create the repository log for metric generation

SCM Log format Command for log creation tracks renames ignores deleted files supports code churn
SVN SVN_LOG svn log --verbose yes yes no

Executing this command generates the log file that can be used by the SVN-log parser. You can also use the bash script anongit which generates an anonymous git log with log format GIT_LOG_NUMSTAT_RAW for usage with CodeCharta.


# navigate to the project folder
- cd <my_svn_project>
# create svn log file
- svn log --verbose > svn.log
# create cc.json file
- ccsh svnlogparser svn.log -o
