

  • npm
  • git or svn
  • Java installed and correctly configured
  • bash or similiar

Getting the Sonarqube data

  • Install the latest analysis tools globally npm i -g codecharta-analysis
  • Generate visualization data from our CodeCharta Sonarqube analysis ccsh sonarimport -o sonar.cc.json https://sonarcloud.io maibornwolff-gmbh_codecharta_visualization. A new file named sonar.cc.json should appear in your working directory.

This file can already be opened in the web visualization. If you want the information from the SCM log we need to continue a bit…

Getting SCM Log Data


As the Codecharta project is managed using git, we want to analyze its git meta data:

  • Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/MaibornWolff/codecharta.git and navigate to it cd codecharta
  • Generate a git log file git log --numstat --raw --topo-order > ../git.log and navigate back cd ... file and a git.log file.
  • Ensure that the log file is encoded with UTF-8 if you get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
  • Parse the log file ccsh gitlogparser git.log --input-format GIT_LOG_NUMSTAT_RAW -o git.cc.json -p maibornwolff-gmbh_codecharta_visualization. A new file named git.cc.json should appear in your working directory.


In case your project, which you want to analyse, is managed using SVN (Subversion) you can also get SVN-meta-data:

  • Navigate to your svn project cd <my_svn_project>
  • Create a svn log file using svn log --verbose > ../svn.log and navigate back cd ..
  • Ensure that the log file is encoded with UTF-8 if you get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
  • Parse the log file ccsh svnlogparser svn.log --input-format SVN_LOG -o svn.cc.json

Ensuring the encoding

There are several ways to do this

  • Open the log file with Sublime, View -> Show Console, then type view.encoding() and if necessary File -> Save With Encoding
  • In Notepad++ the same can be done via the Encoding menu.
  • On the command line we can check the encoding with file -bi <log> or file -I <log> and if necessary convert it to UTF-8 iconv -f utf-16le -t utf-8 git_utf16.log > git_utf8.log.


You should now see a codecharta folder, a sonar.cc.json as well as the git.cc.json or svn.cc.json. All three cc.json-files can be visualized separately with our visualization tool, but we can also merge those to one file…

Merging sonar.cc.json and git.cc.json/svn.cc.json

Run the appropriate merge command, which should result in a merge.cc.json file including data from both, Sonar and the appropriate SCM tool (Git or SVN):

  • For git: ccsh merge --leaf sonar.cc.json git.cc.json > merge.cc.json
  • For svn: ccsh merge --leaf sonar.cc.json svn.cc.json > merge.cc.json

You can use the visualization to open merge.cc.json and see the combined result of the Sonarqube and SCM data.